Mat Guidelines

We pride ourselves on making Jiu Jitsu accessible and engaging for everyone willing to step on the mats.
Use this page for helpful tips before starting training.

All movement in Jiu Jitsu are the same regardless of belt rank. There is no secret technique unlocked at the higher ranks. More than the number of techniques an experienced player knows, what makes movement different is how it is expressed by hidden variables such as timing and execution. Jiu Jitsu skill is based on how well a student behaves within given positions and if they have met the conditions required to enable it’s function- the rate that a student learns this is based on their individual application.


Show up. Be on time and come with a learners mentality.

Be here to learn and develop new skills.

Performance is required, but training is NOT a fight to the death.

Be a good team-mate: My partner and I will not get injured. My partner and I will learn something from our time together.

Be intentional.

Be respectful of people’s time, energy, effort, and body. We are allowing others to use us.

Don’t just take. Give.

Become an asset.

  • Short nails. Pony tails/braids. Don’t stink.

  • We are a No Gi academy. We wear rash guards, shorts and/or leggings.

    Wear any design you like.

    Here for the Test Run? Wear anything athletic. T-shirt and shorts are ok.

    No jewelry. No pockets. No buttons. No zippers.

  • Adults
    Be ready to participate and apply yourself. Be curious. We will help you learn to play the game.

    Before settling in we will show you the space and ease any nerves. We want to avoid any shy students anchoring down and hiding from the mats.

    If you have any questions, we are always happy to be of service.

  • Easy to slip on foot-wear. Proper clothing and a good attitude.

    We don’t believe in charging for water. We have a fountain with alkaline water.

    Adults may want to bring a towel and an extra change of clothes. We do not have showers.

  • Learning Jiu Jitsu is like learning a language. The ABC’s of Jiu Jitsu consist of forming certain shapes and learning the how, what, when and why’s relative to what you’re trying to do.

    Come to class with focus and intention, be respectful, and you’ll be doing Jiu Jitsu your first class!

    Anyone can learn how to play the game! Mastering the art however is an endless journey.

  • Official sign ups are done in person at the academy.

Official Guidelines

Respect the training area

1. Keep the training area clean.

2. No shoes on the mat.

3. No bare feet on the floor.

4. No cell phones on the mat.

5. No food or gum on the mat.

6. Bow when entering and exiting the mat.

7. Take your shoes off at the designated area before entering the mat.

8. Put shoes on immediately upon exiting the mat.

Respect your training partners

9. Be a good teammate: Help lift each other up, especially new students.

10. Keep fingers and toenails short and trimmed.

11. No clothing with pockets, zippers or buttons.

12. Always slap and bump hands before and after rolling.

13. Learn from others, be curious; become a team player.

14. Only apply as much force as needed. NEVER intentionally harm anyone.

15. If a technique is not working, DO NOT force it.

Respect the Coaches

16. Do not interrupt Coaches.

17. Students are not allowed to use curse/swear words.

18. Be on time to class. If you arrive late, wait at the entrance to the mat.

19. Before lining up, make sure you have a properly tied belt.

20. Ask Coach’s permission to leave before exiting the mat.

21 When the Coach assigns a task, continue doing that task. Always get after more reps.

Respect yourself

22. Have fun. Jiu Jitsu is a game.

23. Believe in yourself and your ability to learn.

24. Be kind to yourself. Allow yourself to make mistakes.

25. Honor the process. The journey is long & efficient Jiu Jitsu technique must be earned.