$250 mo. No contract.
ages 6-9 (Limited sparring)

This is the seedling stage. Students focus on fundamentals: base, balance, weight distribution, leverage, and direction. These concepts are taught through analogies, mini-games, and goal-oriented tasks. Most importantly, they learn how to behave in a martial arts setting and what it takes to improve and become an asset to their environment. These roots set the stage for their long-term development.

This class focuses on the essence of Jiu Jitsu: defense, position, takedowns, pins, and escapes.

  • Acquire fundamental skills and cultivate a growth mindset.

  • Develop a learners attitude, winning habits, and a framework for the journey.

  • Foster proper behavior, self-belief, and discipline.

    1. Sign up for a 10 day Test Drive.

      Please make sure you complete the sign up process or we will not receive notification.

    2. Check the schedule and simply show up.

    3. We have a Get Started page with helpful tips.

      Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.


Students can take as many classes as they like!

Tuesday & Thursday

4:00pm - 5:00pm
5:00pm - 6:00pm
6:00pm - 7:00pm
7:00pm - 8:00pm

Thursday Only

7:00pm - 8:00pm Open Mat (No instruction, Rolling only)

Saturday & Sunday

10:00 - 11:00am

Achievable Discounts

Yes! Discounts can be stacked!

  • 1/2 mile radius = $10 off


    Take advantage of what's right in your own backyard! We believe Jiu Jitsu is an investment that has long-term gains, so here’ a little sumpin’ sumpin’ for the local community.

  • GPA of 3.0+ = 10% discount

    Improve GPA by 1 grade point = 10% discount


    This discount is under the student's control. We aim to encourage educational growth, so even if a student starts with a 1.0 GPA, a full grade improvement will still earn the discount.

    Each quarter, your membership fee will reset and be updated based on current grades.

  • One parent = 10% discount

    Both parents = 15% discount


    Work for the government (FD, PD, CIA, Post Office)? Employed at a hospital (staff, doctor, nurse, first responder)? Are you a veteran or active/reserve in the US Military? Work at a school (teacher, custodian, librarian, coach, staff/admin)?

    This is our way of showing gratitude for your service and dedication to the community. Thank you for all you do!

  • Each additional member = 20% discount


    We want to help you strengthen your family bonds. Sign up your kids or any relatives together and get 20% off for each additional member after the first student.

    This discount will be applied to memberships of the younger family member.


eMotions (ages 3.5-5)


Main Body (ages 10+)