Saturday & Sunday 11:00am - 12:00pm
All kids programs.

StudyHall is an integral part of our GROUNDWORKS initiative, designed to facilitate smooth transitions into new programs. Recognizing that embarking on a new chapter can be daunting, whether as a newcomer or a transitioning student, this class serves as a supportive stepping stone.

As students progress, we encourage exploration of the next level program, offering a slower pace and a smaller student-to-coach ratio. With a focus on easing into live physical resistance and maintaining consistent terminology, our caring staff ensures a friendly atmosphere. Best of all, there's no extra cost involved.

We wholeheartedly encourage students to embrace new challenges and prioritize their personal growth.

  • Smoother transitions into new programs

  • Slower pace and smaller student-to-coach ratio

  • Focus on easing into physical resistance

  • Consistent terminology and friendly atmosphere

  • No additional cost

  • Encouragement to embrace new challenges for personal growth

  • Students can take both classes if you don’t mind returning to the academy, as the classes are not back-to-back.

    If your child is 3-4 years old, and you can only attend one class, we suggest sticking with the regular eMotions class. While you're welcome to have them try StudyHALL occasionally for a challenge, at this age and size, it may be a few years before they're fully prepared for the Grappling Fundamentals program.

    However, if your child is 5 years old, and you can only attend one class, we encourage moving forward. In this case, we recommend choosing StudyHALL over the regular class to encourage progression.

    Ultimately, both classes are open to all students, but the choice depends on the age and developmental stage of your child.

  • If you believe StudyHALL is unnecessary and prefer to transition directly to the next program, you may do so.

    However, our assessment process is tailored to each individual student. We exercise caution as setbacks can occur; premature transition may hinder progress rather than facilitate it.

    Our primary focus lies not only in assessing skill but also in evaluating the student's ability to manage the demands of the class and avoid potential negative experiences.

    We strive to ensure students possess the requisite foundational skills to play the game and demonstrate a certain level of resilience.

    Should you have any inquiries regarding the transition process, please do not hesitate to reach out to Coach Rich.


Main Body (ages 10+)
